God of War 3
I got it, and boy, it was pretty sweet. The Gameplay mechanics were perfect, with combat, platforming, and puzzles placed just right so as not to make it feel repetitive. The scenes are just epic, and often times I thought I was watching a CG cutscene. Nothing tops that first scene with Poseidon and Gaia.
Speaking of Gaia, I wasn't too happy with how the story turned out, but I guess it fit the games purpose of giving an ending to Greek mythology and the trilogy. The weapons are pretty awesome (except for the Claws of Hades, those were just... meh), my personal favorite being the Nemesis Whip (!).
The God Delusion
Yeah, I read it, and Dawkins actually makes a pretty good case for atheism (although his constant use of the term Darwinism is rather annoying...) He doesn't do a thorough dissection of miracles, which somewhat irks me, but his discussion about cargo cults and such was very enlightening. For better or worse, this book definitely estranged me from religion even more.
Dinosaur Discoveries
I luv William Stout's art. I always have, ever since I was but a wee lad. He just makes his dinos look so primal, and yet so modernized at the same time. There were, of course, some minor inaccuracies (pronated hands, anyone?), but those are forgivable for some pwnsome (yes, yes I did just say that) illustrations.
BTW, my love for William Stout's art probably stems from the fact that his art appeared on the cover of those wonderfully cheesy dino documentaries of the late 80s and early 90s. You know what I'm talking about, the ones with Gary Owens and that jazzy beat. Videosaurus is what I believe they were called.
Thats enough for now. I'm tired and have B-Day party to go to in about an hour. Happy days, everybody!