Genesis 4:The Downfall of Man
Raptor Jesus was happy in his creationism, and had many sexes with the man and woman. But one day, Satan appeared as snake. The snake proceeded to kidnap the man and have many sexes with him. After threatening the man with more raep, the Satanic Serpent told him to steal RaptorJesus' apple. The Raptor Jesus was nowhere at the moment, but he came as soon as he heard what happened. He banished the man and woman from the Garden of Eden (which had yet to be mentioned) using his pwnsome fire sword.
Genesis 5: The Flood
Today was a good day on earth. Raptor Jesus was happy, and aminals and sidewalks frolicked throughout the land. Howevar, man had become sinful,and even though he didn't care, Raptor Jesus didn't do anything. Rpator Jesus than met his friend Noah at the Bar and grill. Raptor Jesus was disatisfied at Noah's...stuff, idunnolol. So Raptor Jesus promptly killed Noah. Raptor Jesus proceeded to steal Noah's wife and children. He then built a boat. The boat sat there and was never used. Raptor Jesus' many mutant offspring were dumpedin Africa and adopted by the (now defunct) band Brangelina.
Apologies for the lack of posting, life has been very busy with school and whatnot. Onto a topic I've wanted to cover for some time now...
If you've looked closely at my posts, or have previously conversed with me, you will know my disdain for Creationism (Young Earth Creationism, to be presice). The fact that this belief actively encourages ignorance of Scientific principles and, y'know, reality in general is justification enough to at least makea rebuttal, if not despisethe belief.
I know people who are creationists personally, and they don't know shit about Evolution and biology in general. But they are good and well-meaning people, but misguided. One friend was convinced there are no transitional fossils because she had read Ken Ham's (*shivers*) "The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved". Oh goody, a book full of half witted reasoning and misrepresentations of actual Scientific findings.
Another person, my grandmother actually, was confounded on how one could believe in Evolution and the Bible at the same time. I rrecall how I had to meticulously explain to her, over the course of several weeks, what evolution says, and what Genesis says, and how to reconcile the two.
The point I'mtrying to make is, creationism can affect one's ways of thinking. It can make one delusional and give them a false sense of justification for their faith. It is dangerous, not because it threatens science and the facts, but it pours biggotry upon the world's flocks of Christian sheep, who will willingly soak up like a sponge what the man up on the podium is shouting.
I'm no atheist (nor agnostic) and though I do have an open, skeptical mind, I love the faith tradition I've grown up in and its community (Catholicism), and though I don't accept half of what the Church throws out there, I do believe in some form of supernatural (whatever that means...) being.
*Consider this a cursory introduction to future post on IDiocy*
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